老化(Aging)對於個體生理系統造成極大的影響及改變,隨著人口平均餘命的提高,高齡者的失眠困擾便成為現代社會值得關注的現象,由於睡眠模式會隨著年齡的老化而改變,深度睡眠的時間也隨著老化逐漸減少,高齡者不但睡眠中醒來的次數增加,也在醒來後變得更難再次入睡,由此可知睡眠情形與健康、生活品質息息相關,如何利用科技及改變環境以改善高齡者的睡眠問題便成為當務之急。老人福祉研究群研發睡眠電子教練(Sleep Coach)結合認知行為療法及誘導計算裝置,以協助失眠者逐步建立對睡眠正確的認知,並了解自身睡眠之情況。該系統也提供對應之醫療診斷輔助系統 (Sleep Coach Doc),協助醫護人員全面了解失眠者之睡眠病史,提昇失眠診斷及治療成效。
整合睡眠醫學的臨床與基礎研究,包括睡眠相關生理條件監測,個體之心理行為及認知差異評估,加上說服計算科學(persuasive computing),以及建築環境光照與聲響的控制等技術,營造有利睡眠的環境,並依個別睡眠者調控環境變數,以達到改善睡眠品質及輔助睡眠障礙治療的目標。
「電子睡眠教練」(Sleep Coach),結合認知行為療法及誘導計算裝置,以協助失眠者逐步建立對睡眠正確的認知,並了解自身睡眠之情況。該系統也提供對應之醫療診斷輔助系統 (Sleep Coach Doc),協助醫護人員全面了解失眠者之睡眠病史,提昇失眠診斷及治療成效。
「電子睡眠教練」(Sleep Coach),結合認知行為療法及誘導計算裝置,以協助失眠者逐步建立對睡眠正確的認知,並了解自身睡眠之情況。該系統也提供對應之醫療診斷輔助系統 (Sleep Coach Doc),協助醫護人員全面了解失眠者之睡眠病史,提昇失眠診斷及治療成效。
Sleep Coach可協助使用者初步瞭解自己的失眠症狀,並透過內建之建議介面搜尋與睡眠相關的專業醫療機構訊息及獲取與睡眠相關的衛教知識。而使用者在至醫療機構之前,可自行先填寫Sleep Coach的篩選介面及睡眠日誌介面紀錄自身的個人資訊與睡眠狀況,其中睡眠日誌介面不僅可記錄使用者整周的睡眠狀況,更可以即時顯示個案該周的睡眠狀況。所以當使用者帶著Sleep Coach至醫療院所求診時,醫師可使用與此裝置對應之Sleep Coach-Doc介面,快速地分析及統合使用者的睡眠相關資訊,便能在短時間內了解使用者的睡眠整體情形,進而幫其規劃更合適的治療方案(含環境調整項目)。
使用者回家之後,可使用Sleep Coach的訓練介面進行睡眠治療作業之練習,此練習成果亦可儲存或是回傳至醫師的Sleep Coach-Doc介面藉此瞭解個案的訓練情形。另一方面,若當使用者的治療方案內含環境調整項目,即可透過Sleep Coach的環境控制介面,將醫師所規劃之環境參數資訊(如:光照的時間點及長度),傳至家中之環境控制系統,藉此增強環境調整項目的執行程度,進而改善其失眠症狀。
Sleep Coach
Sleep Coach-Doc
(1) 診斷介面:依據Sleep Coach中的篩選及睡眠日誌介面資料彙整成有用的睡眠檔案以便讓專業醫療人員快速的瞭解個案的睡眠情形。透過問卷評量或檢驗使用者失眠症狀及蒐集個人相關資訊。
(2) 訓練介面:提供專業醫療人員選擇合適於個案之與認知行為治療相關的訓練技術,同時也提供個案學習此訓練技術之作業。
(3) 建議介面:專業醫療人員依據使用者的個別情況提供相對應的睡眠知識、及可能的處置方法。
(4) 環境控制介面:專業醫療人員依據使用者的個別情況或是所需之治療項目,調整使用者臥房內的環境參數,因而產生以睡眠者為中心的臥房環境。
電子睡眠教練就像是使用者的睡眠導師教育及監督使用者的睡眠行為,以達成輔助睡眠改善之效果,由此本研究之設計團隊以書的概念進行外觀設計傳達此一概念。目前針對男性及女性各設計了一款造型,適合男性使用者之sleep coach走的是簡約風;而女性使用的Sleep Coach則是以時下最流行的華麗風進行設計。
使用者回家之後,可使用Sleep Coach的訓練介面進行睡眠治療作業之練習,此練習成果亦可儲存或是回傳至醫師的Sleep Coach-Doc介面藉此瞭解個案的訓練情形。另一方面,若當使用者的治療方案內含環境調整項目,即可透過Sleep Coach的環境控制介面,將醫師所規劃之環境參數資訊(如:光照的時間點及長度),傳至家中之環境控制系統,藉此增強環境調整項目的執行程度,進而改善其失眠症狀。
Sleep Coach
Sleep Coach-Doc
(1) 診斷介面:依據Sleep Coach中的篩選及睡眠日誌介面資料彙整成有用的睡眠檔案以便讓專業醫療人員快速的瞭解個案的睡眠情形。透過問卷評量或檢驗使用者失眠症狀及蒐集個人相關資訊。
(2) 訓練介面:提供專業醫療人員選擇合適於個案之與認知行為治療相關的訓練技術,同時也提供個案學習此訓練技術之作業。
(3) 建議介面:專業醫療人員依據使用者的個別情況提供相對應的睡眠知識、及可能的處置方法。
(4) 環境控制介面:專業醫療人員依據使用者的個別情況或是所需之治療項目,調整使用者臥房內的環境參數,因而產生以睡眠者為中心的臥房環境。
電子睡眠教練就像是使用者的睡眠導師教育及監督使用者的睡眠行為,以達成輔助睡眠改善之效果,由此本研究之設計團隊以書的概念進行外觀設計傳達此一概念。目前針對男性及女性各設計了一款造型,適合男性使用者之sleep coach走的是簡約風;而女性使用的Sleep Coach則是以時下最流行的華麗風進行設計。
Sleep Coach (English introduction)
Insomnia becomes more common with age; as people get older, they spend less time in deep sleep and REM sleep. Insomnia particularly becomes an issue for the elderly. Our team has developed an application called Sleep Coach that aims to improve sleep quality and solve sleeping problems through technical assistance.
Designed, developed, and tested by the INSIGHT Center, at National Taiwan University,Sleep Coach is a product that integrates expert knowledge of medicine, psychology, and engineering. Sleep Coach has also incorporated ideas from fundamental research and clinical therapy in sleep medicine. These include monitoring sleep-related physiological conditions, assessing individual differences in affect, behavior, and cognition, implementing relaxation training based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, utilizing persuasive computing, and controlling environmental light and acoustics to create a better sleep environment. Usability tests of Sleep Coach were completed with users aged from 75 to 93 years old; results showed that the training task in Sleep Coach effectively lowered the anxiety level as well as made the mean heart rate decreased.
There are five modules in Sleep Coach: screening, diary, training, advice, and environmental controller modules, and each performs distinct functions. The screening module evaluates the severity of insomnia and collects the sleeper's sleep profile. By gathering personal characteristics, sleep pattern and history, and observations from family members, the screening module promptly screens sleepers for insomnia problems. The diary module allows sleepers to record sleep history; it records sleepers' sleep patterns and daytime functioning and compares the sleep plan and actual sleep pattern. It then provides clear real-time index calculation and graphs. The training module utilizes cognitive therapy techniques such as stimulus control instructions, sleep restriction therapy, relaxation training via biofeedback, and sleep hygiene, to monitor sleepers' physiological status and compare present and past performance. It helps sleepers develop good sleeping habits by providing training activities. The advice module provides suggestions regarding sleepers' sleep-related behavior, psychological status, and environmental parameters; it also offers suggestions for the treatment of insomnia and the use of sleep aids, caffeine etc. Lastly, the environmental controller module helps sleepers adjust the environmental conditions in their bedroom, especially light, temperature, vibration, acoustics, time cue, humidity, and air; the module adapts based on individual differences.
Sleep Coach functions like a sleep mentor, educating and supervising users' sleep behavior. It allows users to become more aware of their sleeping environment and habits and addresses the issue of insomnia. In addition to Sleep Coach, there is also Sleep Coach Doc corresponding to each module inSleep Coach which acts as a medical diagnosis assistance system, providing physicians and psychologists with an overview of one's sleeping habits and problems. In short, Sleep Coach provides sleepers with insomnia symptoms a way of improving their sleep quality.
Designed, developed, and tested by the INSIGHT Center, at National Taiwan University,Sleep Coach is a product that integrates expert knowledge of medicine, psychology, and engineering. Sleep Coach has also incorporated ideas from fundamental research and clinical therapy in sleep medicine. These include monitoring sleep-related physiological conditions, assessing individual differences in affect, behavior, and cognition, implementing relaxation training based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, utilizing persuasive computing, and controlling environmental light and acoustics to create a better sleep environment. Usability tests of Sleep Coach were completed with users aged from 75 to 93 years old; results showed that the training task in Sleep Coach effectively lowered the anxiety level as well as made the mean heart rate decreased.
There are five modules in Sleep Coach: screening, diary, training, advice, and environmental controller modules, and each performs distinct functions. The screening module evaluates the severity of insomnia and collects the sleeper's sleep profile. By gathering personal characteristics, sleep pattern and history, and observations from family members, the screening module promptly screens sleepers for insomnia problems. The diary module allows sleepers to record sleep history; it records sleepers' sleep patterns and daytime functioning and compares the sleep plan and actual sleep pattern. It then provides clear real-time index calculation and graphs. The training module utilizes cognitive therapy techniques such as stimulus control instructions, sleep restriction therapy, relaxation training via biofeedback, and sleep hygiene, to monitor sleepers' physiological status and compare present and past performance. It helps sleepers develop good sleeping habits by providing training activities. The advice module provides suggestions regarding sleepers' sleep-related behavior, psychological status, and environmental parameters; it also offers suggestions for the treatment of insomnia and the use of sleep aids, caffeine etc. Lastly, the environmental controller module helps sleepers adjust the environmental conditions in their bedroom, especially light, temperature, vibration, acoustics, time cue, humidity, and air; the module adapts based on individual differences.
Sleep Coach functions like a sleep mentor, educating and supervising users' sleep behavior. It allows users to become more aware of their sleeping environment and habits and addresses the issue of insomnia. In addition to Sleep Coach, there is also Sleep Coach Doc corresponding to each module inSleep Coach which acts as a medical diagnosis assistance system, providing physicians and psychologists with an overview of one's sleeping habits and problems. In short, Sleep Coach provides sleepers with insomnia symptoms a way of improving their sleep quality.